Which web-elements and how much they used

Web-elements usage volumes chart

Web-elements usage volumes table

Type Element Interactions Path (arrow) Path (comma)
Who and how much they used web-elements

Users activity volumes table

UID UGID(s) Interactions
When and how much they used web-elements

Web-elements usage time chart

Which web-elements they didn't use

Not used elements volumes chart

Web-elements unusage volumes table

Type Element Interactions Path (arrow) Path (comma)
Who and how much used these another web-elements

Users inactivity volumes table

UID UGID(s) Interactions

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There are no charts here, because database responded with "no any data yet".
You can send data here with various different ways (all described in docs, always available for you in the top-right corner), but we recommend you to start with the simplest way:

  1. Open this already preconfigured sample web-app in a new tab;
  2. Interact with the web-elements on that sample web-app;
  3. Return here and refresh this page.